If a youth under the age of 18 can understand the nature and consequences of the treatment/procedure and consent, they are considered to be a mature minor and can access medical care independently. We encourage you to have a support person with you in clinic. 

Clinic, Education and Sexual Assault Services

Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics for Youth

Please do not visit if you are unwell. Call the clinic for guidance.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services across Alberta and Canada

For a list of Sexual Health Clinics and Education go to ahs.ca/srh.

For a list of STI clinics and Sexual Health Centres go to https://sexgerms.com/getting-tested.

For a list of Sexual Assault Response teams, go to ahs.ca/sart

For a list of service providers across Canada go to Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights.

Calgary Area Sexual Assault Response Team

Registered nurses, doctors and crisis counsellors offer medical treatment, emotional support and education about options for care and reporting for people who have been sexually assaulted in the past 4 days (96 hours).

If you have been sexually assaulted within the past 7 days and you are:

  • 14 years or older – go to the Sheldon M. Chumir Urgent care Centre or any emergency department or urgent care centre
  • Under 14 years of age – go to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Emergency Department

If you have been sexually assaulted OVER 7 days ago, medical care and support is important. Contact these organizations:

Abortion Services

 For information on abortion services go to ahs.ca/abortion

Web Resources

 Disclaimer for Responsibility Regarding Links to Other Sites:
Users are able to link from TASCC.ca to many other sites that present information on sexual and reproductive health. Although these links have been carefully selected, TASCC.ca does not necessarily endorse the content of these sites, nor does it assume any liability for any information on those sites. The content of linked sites may change periodically and without notice. These sites contain evidence based information on a variety of sexual health topics, including contraception, STI, HIV & AIDS, safer sex, healthy sexuality etc.

Abortion Services

Alberta Health Services – Abortion Services Information about abortion (pregnancy termination) in Alberta.

Kensington Clinic Clear and objective information and clinical services about abortion (pregnancy termination) in Central and Southern Alberta

Comprehensive Sites

Alberta Health Services – Sexual & Reproductive Health Information about contraception, sexuality and differing abilities, female sexual health, healthy sexuality, male sexual health, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, HIV & AIDS, sexual diversity, sexuality and aging, sexuality and disability/aging, sexual development. Information about clinical services within Calgary and area.

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights Information on:

  • Contraception
  • STI
  • Pregnancy
  • Abortion
  • Professional education
  • Health promotion information
  • Listing of clinical services in Canada

Centre for Sexuality Information and counseling regarding relationships, decision making, sexual diversity, sexuality and aging, contraception, STI, pregnancy

Go Ask Alice – Columbia University (USA) Question and answer site on a variety of general health topics including sexual health. Sometimes explicit questions and answers, suitable for older teens and up

Holland Bloorview Disability and Sexuality Resource Hub Resources for youth, family members and healthcare providers

SexandU.ca (Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada) Youth and adult friendly interactive site with accurate and comprehensive information about a wide range of sexual health topics.

SIECCAN (Sex Information and Education Council of Canada) Information on sexual health education, topics and resources

International Information

Engender Health International organization supporting access to sexual health around the world, especially in developing nations.

Guttmacher Institute (USA) Sexual health resources, research, and education geared towards a professional audience

Sexuality Information and Education Network of the United States (SIECUS) Information and counseling regarding relationships, decision making, sexual diversity, sexuality and aging, contraception, STI, pregnancy

World Health Organization International information, projects, policies, guidelines and statistics regarding reproductive health.

Menstrual Cycle and Menopause

CEMCOR Information regarding all aspects of menstrual cycle and menopause, including online question and answer and tracking charts.

Menopauseandu.ca The facts on menopause from Canada’s experts


Kids Health (USA) Easily accessible site for parents, professionals and young people on a variety of health topics, including puberty.

Planet Puberty (AU) Information, games. videos and factsheets for parents of children with intellectual disabilities and autism

Relationships, Consent, Interpersonal Violence and Sexual Assault

Alberta Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services Information and support about sexual assault and abuse including training for first responders including a list of sexual assault services across Alberta

Calgary Communities against Sexual Abuse Education, information, counseling regarding sexual abuse

HomeFront Support, information and intervention for those experiencing domestic violence.

Child Advocacy Centre Support for children and families who have experienced child sexual abuse

Sexual and Gender Diversity

Calgary Outlink Support, education, outreach and referrals for LGBTQ2S+ community in Calgary

EGALE Canada Advocacy and information on human rights regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

Holland Bloorview Becoming You Booklet exploring sexuality and disability for pre-teens

PFLAG Canada Support, education, information and resources for parents, friends and LGBTQ community.

Skipping Stone Connecting trans and gender diverse youth, adults and families with comprehensive and low barrier access to supports including community, mental health, medical and education services.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Alberta Health Services – Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic (Calgary) Clinical services, information on STIs, statistics and safer sex.

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Information, advocacy and health promotion on the topic of HIV & AIDS in aboriginal communities.

HIV Community Link Community education for the public on safer sex practices to reduce the risk of getting or spreading HIV. Advocacy and support services for people affected by HIV and AIDS.

Public Health Agency of Canada STI information and public health promotion for public and professionals.

Slang Definitions

Urban Dictionary May support professional staff to understand some slang terms for anatomy and sexual behaviors. Please note that many of the definitions on this site are very explicit and graphic.

Teaching and Education

Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education A theoretical framework for teaching sexuality.

Questions and Answers: Sexual Heatlh Education in Schools and Other Settings

Sexual Health Education in Schools Questions and Answers Further explanation of the theory of comprehensive sexual health education in a Q & A format that offers answers to challenges to the framework.

Sexual Health Promotion with Autistic Youth toolkit resources

Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit resources

Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) Ensures access for professionals to support and accurate, evidence-based information when teaching human sexuality.

Teaching Sexual Health Website Comprehensive site for teaching professionals; lesson plans (including for students with diverse abilities), resources, videos, teaching strategies, activities etc. Includes parent information.

Youth Serving Community Agencies

City of Calgary Indigenous Support Resources

Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS)

Hull Child and Family Services

Inn From the Cold

McMan Family and Youth Services

The Alex

Wood’s Homes



The puberty kit is a tool that can be used to support teaching about puberty and personal hygiene. School, community agencies or families can use the list of contents included in the information below to put together their own kits.  Having actual products as a tactile object for youth to see and feel can enhance learning and familiarity.  If some items are hard to obtain, a photo or picture will work – please see the photos below.

Birth Control

The birth control kit is a tool that can be used to help teach about contraceptives and STI protection. It can be used in a group or with individuals. Having the items available to see and touch helps people gain comfort and familiarity. Birth control kits can sometimes be borrowed from community health units or purchased from educational suppliers.


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